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- Unboxing The Season Of Gratitude
Unboxing The Season Of Gratitude
Give To Receive But Why Define It?
After a little hiatous, Together UP! Is Back! Thanks for Subscribing!
I see you, and I appreciate you being here, because today is National Newsletter Subscriber Appreciation Day.
“The first rule of compounding: Never interrupt it unnecessarily.” - Charlie Munger, RIP and truly 1-of-1.
This will matter here, give it a minute
Unboxing The Season Of Gratitude
Tis the season of gratitude.
WONDERFUL! How awesome is gratitude!
Giving gratitude
Having gratitude
Being grateful.
All good things.
But with the Season of Gratitude upon us, my heart and mind always go to: Why does it have to be confined to a portion of time?
Do you behave differently from Thanksgiving week through Dec 31st?
(Some of you shouldn’t answer that)…
I have the same feeling when I see all of the Daily Appreciation Days. (Which admittedly I have a hard time tracking but I usually realize I’m in one b/c I start seeing everyone post a picture of their sibling on instagram and realize it’s national sibling day!).
For those of you who need a little headstart into January, get prepared now: Here is a list of January’s appreciation days, with some helpful thoughts from yours truly.
1 | New Years Day (What would we do w/out this list to remind us)
2 | Motivation & Inspiration Day (Can you move this to April 2nd after everyone has lost motivation and Inspiration for what they decided they’d do on Jan 1st?)
4 | World Braille Day (Good)
6 | National Shortbread Day (Is this like thanksgiving stuffing? Something so delicious why do we only eat it on the 3rd Thursday of November each year?)
9 | National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day (WTF!? DO THIS EVERY DAY)
11 | Clean Off Your Desk Day (Ugh. Do I have to?)
11 | International Thank You Day (Hmmmm, I’m confused)
12 | National Pharmacist Day (Hopefully you won’t have to see your pharmacist that day but when you do, show them some appreciation)
13 | National Take the Stairs Day (Who are you to judge?)
15 | National Bagel Day (Do you thank a bagel? Eat a bagel? There’s still some holes to fill in this one)
17 | World Religion Day (Hmmmm. I kinda thought we had a lotttttttta days in the weeks and years dedicated to religion?)
**Although my good friend did declare one evening “SUNDAY! IT’S DA BEST DAY OF THE YEAR!!!!!” (And on that particular Sunday it was) but I digress.18 | Maintenance Day (Maintenance worker day? Hygiene Maintenance? Just…. Maintenance day - maintain something that day I guess?)
18 | Martin Luther King Jr. Day (God Bless Martin Luther King Jr.)
19 | National Popcorn Day (See you at the movies on Jan 19th?)
21 | Get to Know Your Customer Day (This is single-handedly gotten more people fired on the other 364 days than any single event other than the company Christmas party).
“But It wasn’t get to know your customer day?? I didn’t think I was supposed to call them!”24 | National Compliment Day (I’m still waiting for mine)
25 | Better Business Communication Day (I expect 172 calls from you all hiring me for this on Jan 25th)
28 | National Fun at Work Day (Perhaps the shiniest example of the inherent dilution)
30 | Thank Your Mentor Day (Okay I like this, and is a good reminder)
*Source Terry Berry
Quick Question - on January 11th, do you recognize someone across the globe for finally cleaning off their desk?
This isn’t hard.
I’ll admit. As snarky as I sound above, we do need reminders. And I give those who advance the mission of gratitude and recognition an enormous thumbs up emoji in continuing to put the focus on having people feel seen.
Here’s the thing.
The season of gratitude is indeed upon us. So let’s make it your own personal “company retreat” reflecting how you feel:
When You Give
When You Receive
When You Give
You are going to feel something. Something.
What is it? What did you see? Did you see someone’s shoulders perk up?
Did that person feel thought of? Feel a little better and more upbeat after receiving what you gave them?
Take notice.
Would it be better if you were able to give something more and lift others up?
More affirmation, more attention, more examples of you noticing their contribution to something that matters to them.
Take notice.
When You Receive
Feels good, right? (Unless you actually are tremendously disappointed because your expectations were drastically out of whack, in which case, we go back to a void of communication somewhere)…
Think to yourself. Reflect. If I felt like this more often, I’d probably have: more energy, be able to give more of myself, want to do more, this feels pretty good!
this little spike in your mood, for having received something.
That’s the gift!
Imagine how much more energized, connected, and productive the people you work with, interact with, see every day, the team you’re on, would be if they had that little bump from receiving your gratitude!?
The above describes the very concept of something compounding on itself!
And Gratitude Is Compounding!
The more you give, the more you receive, and the more you do it, the more it builds on itself.
“The first rule of compounding: Never interrupt it unnecessarily.”
Tis the season. Let it build. Let it compound. Let it grow. Let it work!
And don’t ever interrupt it unnecessarily just because the season ends.
This is your 2024 Life Hack to more productivity, fulfillment, and happiness.
Feb 12th is National Leadership & Performance Coach Day - I can’t wait to hear from all of you then!
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Let’s impact 10,000 team members this year by using the power of compounding to grow one little thing we may uncover here together.
You’d be giving something (good)
They’d be receiving something you think they would like (good).
And they would feel thought of in the context that you think the message resonates with them (even better!)
Oh and I’d be receiving new eyes!
We perform better together.
Together UP!
I’d love to see you here more often.